Kakao Kaikas Now Available in Chrome and Firefox— — Supporting DTA and ATT in the First Batch

4 min readApr 3, 2020


Kakao Kaikas officially launches in March 2020. It is a browser extension wallet for Klaytn platform, which supports DTA and ATT in the first batch. In the past, KlaytnPhone, a blockchain phone jointly launched by Samsung Blockchain and Kakao Klaytn, came pre-installed with Antube and supporting DTA and ATT; With Samsung KeyStore, users can use Samsung Wallet to store DTA and ATT; Klaytn Web Wallet was released, and the wallet supports DTA and ATT (Check the Guidance). In the near future, Kakao blockchain wallet Klip will also support DTA and ATT. Klip will future help DATA increase brand value, expand the user base and promote ecosystem building.

Available in Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox, Kakao Kaikas provides a secure and usable means to interact with the Klaytn network via web browser.

Download Kaikas from Chrome Web Store

Download Kaikas from Firefox Add-on Store

With Kaikas, you are able to store and transact with your KLAY and Klaytn-based tokens. You can also sign requests from web-based Klaytn BApps (Blockchain Applications) in real-time. Below is a summary of Kaikas’ key features:

  • PC web browser-based decentralized HD wallet
  • Supporting various Klaytn networks and tokens
  • Signing web-based BApp transactions

What is the difference between Kaikas and Klip?

  • Klip is a mobile digital wallet that will be functioning on KakaoTalk, Korea’s largest messenger application. Klip is for everyone, even those with little or no understanding of blockchain technology. Users will be able to send and receive KLAY and Klaytn-based tokens with no previous experience in using wallet addresses or private keys.
  • Kaikas, on the other hand, is a browser extension wallet available in Chrome and Firefox. With Kaikas, users can not only store and transact KLAY and Klaytn-based tokens but also sign the transactions/data requested from web-based BApps. It is for those who have some working knowledge of the blockchain. Kaikas is offered in both Korean and English language.

Background Information of Kakao Klaytn

“The total market capitalization of Klaytn governance partners, excluding delisted firms, is 70 trillion won. Klaytn is probably the only consortium in the world with such scale. The growth rate is very fast. Daily transactions on Klaytn near between 500,000 and 700,000. The achievement was made five months after the mainnet was launched in June. This is onpar with the level of [the daily transactions of] Ethereum.

Klaytn Will Lead the Global Market beyond Asia

“Klaytn Governance Council is the first and the only platform in the world that is jointly operated by numerous global firms,” Han said. “As much as Klaytn has already become the representative platform in Asia, it will become the standard blockchain platform in the global market … The Libra Association started off in a form of consortium like Klaytn, but performance-wise, Klaytn is ahead.”

Kakao Supports Klaytn

Parent company Kakao has plans to support Klaytn. “Kakao launched Ground X to prepare for the blockchain era, which is based on the fourth revolution, and have already achieved many accomplishments,” said Kakao CEO Yeo Min-soo. “Based on 40 million users, Kakao will support Klaytn as it become the largest global blockchain platform.”

Kakao launched a blockchain-based reward point Kakaocon, and plans to launch Klip on instant messaging app Kakao Talk in the first half of next year.

Klaytn Governance Council (GC)

The Klaytn ecosystem is built on Klaytn Governance Council, which was launched together with the mainnet in June. Klaytn GC includes 27 companies, including LG Electronics, Netmarble, Kakao and Celltrion, as well as foreign firms like crypto trading platform Binance, Huobi, OKEX and Indonesia-based internet firm Axiata Digital. Recently, SK Networks and Hanwha Systems also said they will join the governance council.

Klaytn GC is the core subject that is behind Klaytn. There are 30 servers currently under operation, and they are operated by different partners. This means the Klaytn platform system can’t be halted or abused by specific firms. This could help Klaytn keep decentralized.

Klip to be Featured on KakaoTalk

Klip, developed by Ground X, was unveiled at the event. Users could manage their digital assets based on Klaytn. Klip is scheduled to be launched abroad. In late 2020, various services like Klaytn-based token and games are planned to be added.

Antube Plans to Release Withdrawal Function in April

After the Kakao Klaytn wallet is officially launched, the DATA SDK used by Antube is also planned to release the withdrawal function this month, and supports DTA and ATT withdrawal in Antube.

Antube Withdraw Function

Specific details about the withdrawal function will be introduced in a recent announcement.







Written by DATA

Decentralized AI-Powered Trust Alliance

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