DATA(DTA) Project Summary: Apr 30th~May 14th

5 min readMay 15, 2018


№9 Weekly Report of DATA

I. Technology & Product Prototype

1.P2P mobile metadata management system (M³)

(1) Completed the reading and writing data in a single VM based on Kademlia protocol. Test reading and writing data within multiple VMs.
(2) Built algorithm testing platform for distributed storage based on 4G LTE network, which will be used to test Java version distributed mobile storage in later stage.

2. AI model on user reputation

Completed the first version of reputation calculation and anomaly
detection algorithm. It has been run on the first chosen mobile game App.
We will Iterate the algorithm based on the collected data

3. DATA × Yomob: Product Prototype Launch, Test & Optimization

In the beginning of May, DATA product prototype has successfully completed its test run on one of Yomob’s developer, Zap Zombies. Our team further worked on the product process testing and iterative optimization. We plan to officially introduce our DATA Reward Program to the whole community next week. Detailed guidance on how to participate in the program will be posted later. Please stay tuned : )

More selected partners and developers of Yomob will be introduced to DATA prototype product in the near future, and gradually roll out to 2000+ developers and more than 120 million MAUs on Yomob platform.

II. Community Building

1. Results

Current market cap of DTA:$84,455,872 USD / 9,703 BTC / 115,801 ETH

2. DATA Telegram Community Activity Campaign

From May 9th to June 5th, we are starting a promotion to reward active member participation on Telegram. Every two weeks, we will reward the top 10 active members 15,500 DTA in total. This is a month-long promotion to encourage our fans to earn free $DTA by participating in or leading discussions in our main Telegram group.

After campaign began, messages from our telegram group has been increasing exponentially and chat quality has improved a lot because more project technology discussion appears.

3. DATA Slogan Contest (Leave your idea in crypto world)

DATA Slogan Contest is now on Twitter! Click this link to participate and win up to 8,000 DTA and DATA special edition T-Shirt. We hope our great community can produce the best slogan for us!

III. International Expansion

  1. Singapore: WDAS

DATA team, led by our CEO Franklin Song and Cofounder Victor Ye, attended World Digital Asset Summit in Singapore hosted by FBG Capital. Franklin Song was invited to give a presentation about “Blockchain, the new backbone of digital ecosystem”. This summit invites the most qualified blockchain projects, developers and investors globally. It aims at discussing ’Tokenomics’ and its impact on traditional economy.

2. Blockchain Asia Meetup II New York City

On May 13th, we attended Blockchain Asia Meetup II in New York University campus.

This event is co-organized by Block 72, GBIC, and FBG Capital. We are going to discuss much more diverse topics than those of first meetup, including the US regulatory environment and its global impact, an exploration of the different types of exchanges, and important developments in blockchain technology in 2018. This event invites top tier blockchain projects based in Asia such as Aelf, Libra Credit, Loopring and IoT, leading law firms in the blockchain space and emerging exchanges. There will also be local media, exchanges, cryptofunds, influencers, and investors in attendance.

3. Korean TV Channel Exposure

The record of our April 6th Blockchain Asia 1st Meetup was live broadcasted on May 11th 7pm KST via Korean TV Channel Money Today TV( ).

4. Consensus 2018 New York City

On May 14th to May 16th, we are attending Consensus 2018 hosted by Coindesk. Our CEO will have a panel on May 15th afternoon in the session Expedition of China Blockchain Project Sponsored by FBG Capital.

Each of the session’s panellists is a top-tier Founder from China, hosted by pioneering crypto fund FBG Capital. The Expedition China Founders will share their journey from zero to one, helping people gain a better understanding of the current blockchain ecosystem within China.

5. Cocktail and Coins Party NYC

We are hosting a cocktail and coins party on May 14th in NYC, with other great Blockchain project and investment capital, including IOST, 8 DECIMAL, hydro, BADWATER and Nirvana Capital.

V. Media and Exposure

  1. U.S. Blockchain Media CCN Reported DATA’s Partnership with BlueFocus

2. U.S. Blockchain Media Coinspeaker Reported DATA’s Partnership with BlueFocus

3. International Blockchain Media Bitcoins Reported DATA’s Partnership with BlueFocus

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