After a quarter of internal test, DATA(DTA) successfully launched Mainnet on Dec 31 2018. Our mainnet can be viewed here: Meanwhile, DATA wallet and SDK have been integrated with Antube, the DApp that DATA and GroundX (the official blockchain platform of Kakao, Korea’s largest social-media company) co-incubated.
As we launched our mainnet, the DATA team & foundation decided to extend the lockup time. 30% of the total DTA will continue to be locked. After our mainnet runs stable for a certain time, the DTA will gradually and linearly unlock for 12 months. Here is the lockup address:
DATA is a blockchain based digital data authentication protocol powered by AI & P2P mobile storage infrastructure, enabling a decentralized and trusted digital ecosystem. Our mission is to help solve data fraud issue while returning value to the end users for their data ownership and attention contribution.
Functioning as the ISO standard to quality management system, DATA, will define the decentralized protocol in collaborating with leading industry partners for device level data quality control. DATA incentives end users with Proof of Attention mining protocol and store the securely encrypted activity logs into M3 (a Mobile Metadata Management System) based on mobile P2P storage. While an AI based reputation modeling is applied to determine the right amount of reward as well as device reputation on a daily basis, and a zombie device can be immediately detected. With DATA, validators in the digital ecosystem such as data processors and data consumers, can collaborate together to build a decentralized blockchain based sustainable device level trust management system that benefits all and tremendously increase the efficiency of fraud prevention. Currently, DATA has build strategic partnerships with many well-known companies in the world, such as Bluefocus, Kochava, Kakao GroundX and etc.
The first stage product of DATA is attention monetization SDK, widely serving traditional Apps and blockchain DApps. DATA mainnet supports all Apps and DApps that use our SDK product, and provide them with device-level reputation management system and data authentication protocol, will put the reputation score of devices on the mainnet. DATA will support user mining under Proof of Attention (POA) rules, and reputation management system is the foundation of Proof of Attention mining. This year DATA has tested its reputation management system on mobile Apps with partners, run evaluation algorithm system based on user attention value, successfully complete test and optimization of user attention mining.
After DATA mainnet launch, we will support that users can mine native DTA coin by watching ads on Apps/DApps which integrated with DATA attention monetization SDK product. The first ecosystem partnership DApp Antube will open alpha test after mainnet launch. Antube is the first ecosytem DApp co-incubated by DATA and GroundX, the official blockchain platform of Kakao (Korea’s largest social-media company). At the same time, DATA attention monetization SDK and DATA wallet will be launched since they have been integrated within Antube. The DApp realizes users’ attention-based mining on mobile ads by using DATA’s PoA monetization, wallet, SDK, and M3 distributed storage system, and automatically deposits the mined native DTA in the wallet.
From January 1st, 2019, users can apply for the Antube alpha test on Google Play by registering their e-mail on the Antube website ( We will open the application from January 1st, and all the users who pass the review will be eligible to participate in the alpha test and experience the mining process of native DTA. The result of mining will depend on the attention contribute, in the meantime, the reputation score of your device will affect the efficiency of mining. The higher your reputation score is, the more efficient your mining process is.
In the initial stage of the DATA mainnet launch, the mainnet switch is temporarily unavailable. Thus, native DTA and Erc20 DTA are still two independent cryptocurrencies. After the mainnet runs stable, DATA official will cooperate with the exchanges to complete the mainnet switch, and open token swap between native DTA Coin and Erc20 DTA. In the future, with the addition of more eco-mobile DApps and BApps (Blockchain Apps), DATA will develop more partners, usage scenarios and eco-users.
※ Note: Do not transfer your Erc20 DTA to the address of native DTA coin before the mainnet switch is completed. Otherwise, your DTA may be lost.