DATA attended Asia Blockchain Meetup on May 13 and a roundtable at Consensus 2018 on May 15. Also, we met people potential partners, media and exchanges.
The Asia Blockchain Meetup kicked off on the evening of May 13, Eastern Time, in New York.
The ones who follow DATA community with an interest will certainly not be unfamiliar with this summit. The summit was first scheduled for April in Seoul, South Korea, and that was the first time the DATA team debuted in South Korea, allowing Korean blockchain enthusiasts and investors to learn about DATA.
Since that time, we have formed an operations and marketing team in Korea. At present, the number of members in the Korean Telegram group is consistently increasing.
People in the circle often say that the one day in crypto circle equals to one year in the world. The saying accentuates the development speed of the blockchain industry is as fast as the speed of light. At the second stop in New York, the discussions went more in-depth.
In the panel discussion entitled “Future Trending of Blockchain” that the DATA co-founder Franklin Song attended, the host from Bytesize Capital proposes three questions that were almost philosophical in the beginning: who are we, where are we, where are we going in the blockchain industry?
Among the honored guests were Kain Warwick from Havven, Franklin Song from DATA, Alon Muroch from Blox and Mitch Liu from Theta.
Franklin pointed out that in the future, blockchain technology will be used in various industries to reshape their ecology, such as Fintech.
At the Meetup, Franklin Song also took time to do an interview with a YouTuber.
The YouTuber’s channel is called Blockchain Brad. We encourage our DATA fans to subscribe this interesting channel, for it is dedicated to popularizing blockchain knowledge. He currently has over 17k subscribers.
Brad asked some questions that we believe you are also concerned about. We have excerpted a few Q&As, and please wait patiently for the blogger to edit and upload the full content to YouTube.
Brad (hereinafter referred to as B): What is the difference between DATA and the other platforms? How does DATA achieve its goal?
Franklin (hereinafter referred to as F): At present, fake data is flooding the entire internet. This phenomenon leads the digital advertising industry to lose 1.6 billion U.S. dollars every year, which diminishes the value of the entire data ecology. What DATA needs to do is identify fake data from the sources. We use AI and blockchain to quickly identify whether end-users are actually consuming their own attention to eliminate the false data quickly fabricated by robots
B: It sounds cool. How is this realized?
F: AI empowers our underlying infrastructures and retains the truly valuable user data, such as the device’s reliability (reputation of the device). At the same time, we use a continuously stable engine to assess the validity of user data.
B: So, attention is very important to your revolutionary design.
F: Yes, attention is just like the user’s score. So how do we rate our users? By quantifying their online behavior. For example, whether they have paid on time or whether they generate data in a natural mode. Then we will give them corresponding rewards in the future.
B: Is it like the bank provides different services based on the user’s credit score? You use this model to motivate the users?
F: Yes, before that, we must create a decentralized system to evaluate users’ data quality at the device level. In the past, large companies or large organizations had their own databases to analyze the value of data produced by their users’ devices. Databases of each organization formed data silos. No one had made requirements for data fluidity and comparability.
B: So you want to do this?
F: Yes, this is a more sustainable solution designed for the future. In fact, everyone can contribute their own data together in this ecology.
B: I heard that you now have already reached cooperation with some strategic partners. Can you disclose any plans you have for the future?
F: One of our current strategic partners, BlueFocus, is the biggest marketing company in Asia.
B: Is it the biggest (marketing company)? That’s awesome!
F: Yes, they are an IPO company. Another partner is Kochava, a mobile attribution platform and mobile application analytics platform. We will help our partners develop better marketing solutions. In the future, we will also accelerate the process of internationalization. Companies on our partnership list come from the United States, Europe, and more.
After the Meetup, another annual blockchain event, Consensus 2018, took place in New York. In the short three days that the Coindesk-sponsored Consensus 2018 was held, there were more than 130 conferences and roundtable discussions organized incessantly, and more than 250 speakers and 4,000 participants from leading industry start-ups, investors, financial institutions, digital asset companies, science leaders, academics and policy groups participated.
If you also participated, your knowledge of the industry would be refreshed and refilled again and again, and you would be surprised that this group of people not only had a high degree of enthusiasm for blockchain, but also inspiring insights.
On the 16th, Franklin Song was invited to another roundtable to discuss the future of China’s blockchain industry with several founders of blockchain projects from China, including Cortex and ALEF.
In the past two years, Chinese teams and projects have had distinguishing performance in the field of blockchain and have naturally become the focus of international blockchain media.
When asked by reporters what kind of development trajectory the blockchain industry is currently on in China, Franklin Song said that Chinese companies are aware of the excellent performance and ecological sustainability of blockchain technology and are starting to use this technology to create value. Moreover, a certain number of companies are constantly seeking opportunities to use blockchain to create new profit growth points, or to improve revenue models. This is a trend.
At the same time, he said: “More and more non-coiners are becoming coiners.”
When the reporter asked questions about the future development of DATA, as well as strategic partnerships, Franklin replied that DATA and the two big marketing companies, BlueFoucs and Kochava, are currently working together to develop new products. In the near future, more organizations and companies will join the DATA strategic partnership to fight against the problem of fake data, which is why it is DATA’s goal to create an “alliance”.
Franklin also pointed out that DATA’s strategic partners have a strong user base, and they have the experience of serving end users and can help DATA explore more possibilities. Every day, there are millions of users who click on our partners’ platforms. There is a huge amount of data to process. DATA uses AI to quantify the end user’s reputation and store the user’s behavioral parameters.
And, DATA’s mission is not only to help the platforms, DATA is also on the side of the end users. Ultimately, DATA will let end users know the value of their attention.
The days of important conferences ended, but the currency market did not recover as much as expected. Unfortunately, “the Consensus can get Bitcoin back on the rocket to the moon” is a heresy.
Fortunately, at the Consensus, there are many real progress and leaders who truly contribute to the industry. Naturally, it takes a long time for real consensus to form, but the future can be expected.