Technical Development
Mainnet, Wallet, and DApp
The DATA mainnet will be released with the DApp, Antube, at the end of December. Antube is the first ecological application that DATA and GroundX, the official blockchain platform of Kakao (Korea’s largest social-media company), co-incubated.
In the same period, the DATA Wallet SDK will also be integrated into Antube for release. From January 1st, 2019, users can apply for the Antube alpha test by registering their e-mail on the Antube website ( We will open the application from January 1st, and all the users who pass the review will be eligible to participate in the alpha test.
Antube is a blockchain-based, social-media DApp that focuses on short-form mobile videos. It is co-incubated by DATA and GroundX. The DApp realizes users’ attention-based mining on mobile ads by using DATA’s PoA monetization, wallet SDK, and M3 distributed storage system, and automatically deposits the mined DATA Coin in the wallet.
Antube uses the DATA’s blockchain-based digital data authentication protocol as the underlying protocol and uses the M3 distributed storage system for data storage. Users can earn DATA Coin by watching mobile ads. Users mine through watching mobile ads in Antube and earn DATA Coin according to the Proof of Attention principle (as elaborated in the DATA white paper). The volume of mining will be based on the user’s effective attention contribution, while the credit score (Reputation Score) on the equipment level will also affect the mining efficiency — the higher the credit score of the equipment, the higher the efficiency of mining.
In the initial stage of the DATA mainnet launch, the mainnet switch is temporarily unavailable. Thus, DATA Coin and DTA are still two independent cryptocurrencies. After the mainnet gets stable, DATA official will cooperate with the exchanges to complete the mainnet switch, and open the conversion between DATA Coin and DTA.
At the same time, because DATA’s main product is the mobile SDK for mobile attention monetization and decentralized data storage, the wallet is also integrated into the cooperative eco-products in the form of a SDK. In the future, with the addition of more eco-mobile DApps and BApps (Blockchain Apps), DATA will develop more partners, usage scenarios and eco-users.
※ Note: Do not transfer your DTA to the address of DATA Coin before the mainnet switch is completed. Otherwise, your DTA may be lost.
M3 Distributed Storage System
For large-scale P2P communication scenarios, the M3 technology R&D team completed the network architecture plan supported by multiple supernodes as scheduled, involving signaling routing, transmission strategy and frame format design between supernodes. On this basis, the team will complete the design of netty protocol for large-scale user connection and the NIO-based client and server-side communication framework. In terms of programming, the team will realize the NIO thread group, parameter configuration, and data processing functions. Currently, basic string communication is finished.
1. Storage Structure Optimization
From the original Json-based configuration file storage method, the storage structure has been adjusted to SQLite data block management, which can manage more complex data more efficiently. SQLite itself can better support the frequent switching and exiting requirements of mobile device applications, and prevent data loss caused by abnormal program exit.
2. Storage mode adjustment
· Add a new storage management strategy;
· Send to supernode by default;
· Automatic storage management under limited capacity conditions.
3. Multi-node testing with Bugfix
· The multi-node was tested again, leading to the solution of the deadlock problem caused by scheduling of multiple thread groups.
4. block structure optimization
The data capacity of a single block is extended from 63KB to 16MB. To support larger blocks of data, the following adjustments are made:
· Storing messages: added new message types to meet the same block fragmentation;
· Obtaining messages: added message types, allowing a certain segment of the data block to be obtained, so different parts of the same data block can be obtained from multiple nodes, improving transmission efficiency.
Community Building
Korean Market User Survey Went Smoothly
In order to understand the viewing habits and usage needs of Korean users for mobile video, the DATA Korea team conducted a user survey of the users in the Korean blockchain market.
In this survey, a total of 141 valid questionnaires was collected. The questionnaire included: user’s age, occupation, video length preference, video content type, video viewing time, video ads, video channel, video editor preferences, video editing and sharing experience, interactions with video, interest in token rewards, and more.
Through this survey, we have a better understanding of South Korea’s market demand and user preferences. We have made good preparations for DApp Antube to enter the Korean market. The results of the questionnaire provided effective support for the launch of Antube.