Technical Development
M3 Distributed Storage System
M3 is a decentralized distributed storage system that supports mobile network devices. The Mobile Metadata Management System (M3) is the core underlying architecture of the DATA project.
The system framework provides a chain-down, decentralized metadata storage solution. The solution addresses the issue of data storage scalability based on mobile devices included in the DATA ecosystem. Compared with current distributed storage systems (such as IPFS, Storj) composed of cloud storage systems such as static PCs and VMs, M3 makes full use of idle storage resources such as unused storage space and bandwidth of mobile devices in the ecosystem that are easier to use and engage.
Android-end Development Progress
Added new modules, including:
- a point-to-point transmission speed test to verify the transmission speed and efficiency of the communication protocol on the mobile side;
- a more detailed display interface to show the current upload and download tasks;
- a connection management module that manages the detailed status of the communication protocol stack operation.
At present, the above functions have been fully developed, and will be further tested with the underlying network communication library.
In terms of network communication, based on the UTP protocol, the M3 peer-to-peer data communication protocol, Net-P2P, was designed and implemented.
*Net-P2P is a reliable data communication protocol based on UDP protocol. It provides reliable and orderly communication functions similar to TCP while maintaining the freedom of transmission of UDP protocol, and includes congestion control to fully take advantage of network bandwidth.
In terms of congestion control, the LEDBAT congestion control protocol is implemented.
In the actual point-to-point communication test (local area network), the current transmission can make full use of the network idle bandwidth, and will not cause network congestion. When the network is not busy, the transmission speed is equivalent to that of the TCP protocol.
In terms of connection management, the TCP handshake and the four-way handshake method are used to complete the connection management of the communication.
Currently, the protocol prototype of the Java language is implemented based on the Netty communication library, and the functional test of the PC side is completed.
Front-end Demo Development Progress
The development of the Android version of the demo is completed. This version can realize the functions of connecting, communicating, uploading and downloading between M3 nodes.
Next Step
Based on Net-P2P, complete the reconstruction of the upper module, and migrate it to the new network communication library, complete the communication speed test of the mobile terminal and the function test of the upper module, and verify the communication transmission under the mobile network.
Main Chain Development Progress
The core technology of DATA lies in the M3 distributed storage system. Based on the white paper, the main net is based on the secondary development of the open source main net framework. The DATA team completed the demonstration and testing of the main net launching plan. It consists of two phases: firstly, the main net launching and coexisting with the Ethereum, Erc20 mode, and secondly, the main net switch.
We are currently preparing for the first phase of the launch in December.
Community Building
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