2019 Q1 Summary of DATA Project

5 min readApr 2, 2019


DATA is a blockchain based digital data authentication protocol powered by AI & P2P mobile storage infrastructure. DATA’s core tech stack and business model are similar to those of the BAT (Basic Attention Token) and Filecoin (blockchain project based on IPFS) but only focus on the mobile industry.

DATA is building its ecosystem to support app/dApp partners by integrating DATA beta version of the mobile SDK (including DATA wallet, video ad and attention mining service), allowing users in DATA ecosystem to mine DTA by watching ads under the POA rules in a mobile environment. In Q1 2019, DATA partnered with Klaytn, the blockchain project of the largest social media giant Kakao, and incubated its first ecosystem DApp Antube. Antube is a mobile video community DApp which has great potential to be the blockchain version of TikTok.

DATA’s core technology is M3, a P2P based mobile storage infrastructure. It enables users to share their device level resources, such as storage and bandwidth, to support metadata level mobile data storage, such as log files, short video and video ad content, in a decentralized manner. In Q1 2019, the team has finished the alpha version of M3 and will start its first open test in early April.

In Q1 2019, we have achieved our goals that we have planned in the previous roadmap. In Q2, we will focus on R&D of the beta version of M3 and expand DATA ecosystem with our ecosystem partners.

The Progress of DATA SDK & Antube

Antube Design Concept

Antube is a blockchain-based mobile video community that adopts DATA’s beta version SDK and M3 mobile decentralized storage infrastructure, allowing users to mine DTA based on the effective attention spent on viewing mobile video and playable ads. “Value your moments”, Antube will share its ecosystem value and profit empowered by the blockchain technology to the effective contributors in the ecosystem through its native token economy.

Antube Parterns with Kakao GroundX Klaytn

To better develop its ecosystem, DATA also partnered with GroundX, the official blockchain subsidiary of Kakao, which owns the super app’s like Kakao Talk, the largest mobile social network in Korea. Based on a total population of approximately 50 million in Korea, Kakao Talk has achieved a monthly active number of 48 million users and a penetration rate of 95% among the Korean smartphone users. In Mar. 2018, in the context of Korea’s vigorous development of the blockchain industry and high digital currency user penetration, Kakao announced the establishment of their official blockchain platform Klaytn.

Antube Open Beta User Feedback

From Jan. 2019 to Feb. 2019, Antube team launched the closed alpha test and open beta. In Mar. 2019, after the unremitting efforts of the development team, Antube was optimized according to community feedback and officially became available to more than 50 countries and regions while gained over ten thousand daily active users from all around world. (Download URL: https://appurl.io/Y5dnfNszq)

In Q2, the Antube team will keep the focus on the product and user growth. With the collaboration between our partners such as Kakao GroundX goes deeper, we will bring increasing amount of Internet users into DATA ecosystem.

The Progress of M3

In Q1 2019, our tech team had finalized the alpha version of M3. It is significantly complicated than the traditional P2P system such as BitTorrent due to the networking connectivity and device level resource management challenges in a mobile environment. However, with the increasing powerful resource on mobile devices, higher speed of 5G with IPV6 adoption, rapid growth of demand for metadata storage, such as short video content, we believe the combination of blockchain technology and M3 can tremendously benefit the ecosystem as a whole.

The main technical breakthroughs that our team has been working on are as the following:

Distributed Hash Table

  1. Searches and indexes billions of small size files among peers rather than depending only on centralized servers
  2. Distributes queries load among peers to reduce UX impacts
  3. Less overhead on centralized servers

Erasure coding

  1. Provides high availability of the files among peers
  2. Distributes uploading traffic to thousands of peers to balance the query and delivery load

Mobile Name Lookup Service

  1. Enables mobile NAT connection efficiently
  2. WebRPC based connection management for effective connection management

Device level traffic control and reputation management

  1. Prevents peers to be overloaded
  2. Detects bots based on the reputation management system

AI based peer selection and content prefecthing

  1. Reduces content loading time
  2. Optimized for peer selection to reduce the peer’s load
  3. Improved content delivery delay
The latest architecture of M3

M3 concept intro video: https://youtu.be/ui4rLKAlnws

In Q2, we will start testing M3 within Antube with selected community members and optimize the beta version. More details will be released soon in April.

DATA(DTA) Linear Unlock Plan

It has been one year since April 2018, when the DATA team and foundation locked 30% of the total token supply.

Since the mainnet was launched and all the development progress is on track, the team and foundation will start to linearly unlock the token from 2019 April in order to attract more team members and to incentivize community contributors as well as ecosystem partners. The unlock period will be one year, with 2.5% token unlocked in the first week of each month, and will be completed by April 2020.

After unlocking, the team will still hold token. Although the current market is still bearish, the team has strong confidence in the project and decided to continue to hold and work hard to promote the development of the project, while the part of the foundation will be used as incentive rewards for community contributors as well as ecosystem partners through campaigns and strategic partnership.

